Cute Accordion tricks - transposition and translation

Cute Accordion tricks - transposition and translation

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I am a classical oboist by training and a software engineer by trade - which means I’ve got some aptitude for making tools to help learn Cajun Accordion.

With GulfWest , I take the notes you transcribe from a tune - typically i’m doing this with a keyboard - and turn them into the buttons you play on the C-keyed accordion. It was a nice opportunity to play with PyIodide as well because now I can stuff the entire thing into a static website host like Vercel!

Example usage of GulfWest

Secondly, I have been using a Chrome plugin called “Transpose” to help with the fact that cajun accordions are diatonic, meaning that my C-keyed instrument doesn’t play the G-keyed lovely music of one Mr. Corey Ledet But by moving it down a perfect 4th, you can do this transposition - and even slow the music down!

Example usage of Transpose plugin

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