Aqua and Hotkeys to write blogs posts quickly - and then Loom AI makes a surprise appearance!

Aqua and Hotkeys to write blogs posts quickly - and then Loom AI makes a surprise appearance!

Table of Contents

Linking Aqua trascripts to other programs with hotkeys

I really like using Aqua ( ), & of course I have added some hotkeys. I’ve shown Keyboard Maestro’s use to automate tasks, but here I’ll demonstrate shifting between browsers, transcribing spoken text, and converting text into a list format to show how I can really scream.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open VS Code because text is life.

  2. Use the hotkey Command + comma to switch to the secondary browser (Chrome Canary). Usually this is in my secondary vertical monitor to my right. Because you care.

  3. Press Command + period to activate Aqua and start transcription.

  4. Press option + forward slash to copy and paste the transcribed content into the prior program (VS Code)

Check it out:

Download link in case your browser doesn’t load it below

A Video surprise - Loom generates Linear Ticket contents

I prepared a video for you with Loom, and then discovered that it generates Linear Tickets (???) with the new AI functionality.

Here’s what you’re seeing in pictures:

Connect Loom and Linear

The Linear Ticket we created

Wow, that’s awesome!

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