Making Salsa Macha

Making Salsa Macha

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Salsa Macha is an amazing celebration of flavours in your mouth. While from my reading the Olmecs were making this from chili and palm oil, it’s attributed to Veracruz in most sources. The modern version bears much resemblence to that Chili Chrisp sauce you often find in chinese resaturants… this receipe produces what tastes like a smokey, spicy, nut buttery world of goodness that goes great on anything I’ve put it on!

I followed Rick Bayless’ recipe: though because I am garlic intolerant as all get out, I replaced garlic with onion. Yes, I’m broken, I realise this.

There are some incredible variations shown here:

Watch more here:

Note that the raw peanuts required for this recipe play nicely with Salsa Macha!

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