Loveable grouches & the slurpee machine in heaven

Loveable grouches & the slurpee machine in heaven

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The loveable Grouches of the world matter more than we often realise.

They’re the ones who get frustrated — not because they don’t care, but because they care so much. They see the gaps, the inefficiencies, the corners cut, and they refuse to look away. The lack of empathy and care displayed burns them, and isn’t extinguished by platitudes.

The Grouches do the hard, unsexy work that keeps everything moving. They do the kind of work that doesn’t make headlines but makes all the difference. They hold the line when others might let things slide.

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to know a Grouch, you know they aren’t just keeping the wheels turning — they’re keeping the standards high. When we lose one, we don’t just lose a colleague or a friend — we lose a quiet force that made things better. Everything everywhere gets that one tick worse.

Rest in Peace, Scott - you mattered. I hope the slurpee machine in heaven is never out of order…


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